I won an award!
One of my favorite bloggers and long time friends, Debbie, was sweet enough to give me an award :-)
Thanks Deb! You know I love ya to pieces to, girlfriend!
So here are the rules of spreading the love (award):
1.Post a copy on your blog.
2.Mention who gave you the award.
3.Pass the award onto 6 others.
4.Leave a message on their blog letting them know the award has been bestowed upon them.
And that's it! Easy, right? Heh.. not for me but here it goes:
1. Nester from The Nesting Place. I mean who doesn't love Nester, right? I've even mistreated my first set of curtains because of her :-)
2. Nester's partner in crime :-) Kimba from A Soft Place to Land I swear these ladies are my idols.
3. Pretty Organizer from Pretty Organizer Palace. Not only is she extremely talented in ways I could only dream of, she is an incredible Mother of 6.
4. The Crockpot Lady from A Year of Crockpotting. I love reading this blog. Creative recipes sprinkled with humor.
5. A fellow teacher and new friend... Jen from Time Out for Me. She doesn't know it but I'm sure we'd be good friends in "real life" :-)
6. Grams. Her love of her family and her love for the holidays always make me smile.
Homemade Sourdough Flour Tortillas
These sourdough flour tortillas (using sourdough discard or active starter)
couldn't be simpler to make.
These soft sourdough tortillas are made with just 6...
1 week ago
1 comment:
Of course we'd be great friends in real life! I am a perfectionist too! OUr similarities go on and on and on! Thank you for the generous award! Yay!
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